Most frequent Q & A
Muara Port, Brunei – About 7 day
Kuching, Miri, Sibu, Bintulu Port, Sarawak – About 6 – 14 days
Kota Kinabal Port, Sabah – About 7 – 10 days.
All the above transit time is depends on the vessel routine.
The cost of shipping from Singapore to Brunei, Sabah & Sarawak will depend on the following factors:
- Size of the goods
- Door to Door or Door to Port or Port to Door
Please contact us now to get more accurate quotation!
Goods and Services Tax (GST) and duties will not impose for export cargoes from Singapore.
The amount of taxes imposed is subject to the HS Code of the cargoes.
Importers must check if any taxes/import license before arrange ship the cargoes to their country.
We are main consolidator. Just like factory, Seller, consumer.
We consider as factory and given first hand quotation & information to provide cheap and fast response to customers.
We are located in Singapore.
You can arrange payment to us directly.
Alternatively, if you are located at difference countries, you can pay to our agents upon cargoes arrive at destination.